Who We Are and What We Do
We are Amy and Katie, two former teachers, now mums with children who love books. We know how meaningful books are to children and the positive impact books can have on their lives.
The Reading Network aims to collect donations of children's books in Hackney and Islington and to distribute them back into the community to children who need them. We will collect, clean, and categorise your pre-loved books to connect them with children who will love them again!
Collect Clean Categorise Connect

The Reading Network Update
Thank you!
Your generous donations have been put back into the community all over East London, bringing the joy of reading to many children.
Primary schools

We donated over 400 books to 150 delighted pupils in Reception to Year 3.
“The kids could not believe they could actually take the books home to enjoy.”
- City of London Primary Academy Isling
Community Centres

"Our community now come especially to our entrance to pick up books. This saves our residents unnecessary expense and allows them to offer more exciting reading opportunities to their children."
- Effie, Elizabeth House
Health Visitor Service

We provided books to a Health Visitor to promote reading in her clinic.
"An 11 month old spent considerable time turning the pages, vocalising and patting the pictures. Her mother commented on her daughter's interest in the book with amazement and pride."
- Mary, Health Visitor
How to support us?
Please share this newsletter with friends and family who might like to get involved and donate.
Donation drop-off points in Victoria Park E9, Highbury N5 and Woodford IG8

Reduce Waste
Help Children Thrive
Spread the Joy of Books
“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
Ernest Hemingway

Contact Us
Get in touch with The Reading Network if you would like to donate books or if you are an organisation that would like to receive books!
Our Covid-19 Practices
Safe Donations
We can collect from you or you can drop off books with us in a contact free way. We will communicate with you about specific dates and times to facilitate a safe donation.
Cleaning and Sanitising
Upon recieving a donation, we will leave the books untouched for a minimum of three days. After this time we will handle donations with gloves, clean them with biodegradeable sanitising wipes, then store them again.
Keeping Everyone Safe
Please do not donate if you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 including fever, a new continuous cough or loss of taste and smell.